Monday, January 11, 2010

My latest craft project completion.

Becky and I made a stole for our friend, the recently-ordained Reverend Deacon Jim Gardiner. The embroidered design is one of my own - a modified Christus Rex, which Dcn Jim requested because the cathedral where he serves is the Cathedral of Christ the King.

It's "modified" in that--unlike the traditional Christus Rex in Catholic art, it doesn't have a crown or maniple. That's because it's made to match the cross over the altar in the cathedral, which also does not have those items.

Below are some pictures of Dcn Jim, serving at the Christmas Eve Mass at the cathedral and a scan of a test-sew of the design.

This is not a commercial, by the way. :-) It's just that I've been rather busy lately and have neglected to write, so this is one interesting thing from my recent history to write about. I actually finished the editing of the design here in Kuwait and had to email it to Becky for test-sewing. She made the stole all by herself, back at home, and it has received LOTS of compliments, from what Dcn Jim says. KUDOS, BECKY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Mine is only to congratulate you for your ordination. I'll pray for you to God to help you in this commitment you have taken to lead his people.
    Deacon, teach what you believe, believe what you say and practice what you teach.
    May God bless you.
    Gordon from Nairobi


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